Top Ranking SEO Tactics: The 2020 Update

SEO is the method of improving the standard & amount of website trafficking to a webpage or a website from search engines.

There are several tactics & techniques one can follow to rank strong on Google webpage, but in case someone doesn’t get the tactics right, then their chances of 1st-page ranking are very low. However, by obeying the top SEO tactics, one can lay the groundwork for their site to improve its visibility in web search.

Now let’s take a look at the top-ranking SEO tactics updated in 2020 by the best SEO Company in Bhubaneswar.

1-Adjust Content with User Intent

User intent is the intent behind each search query. Google’s basic priority is satisfying & understanding the user’s intent. Pages placed on the 1st page of Google web search have all topped Google’s test on user intent.

Always keep in mind to create content that adjusts with the user intent of the target audience.

There are 4 types of user intent: Informational Intent, Navigational Intent, Commercial Intent, and Transactional Intent. An SEO best tactic is to consistently keep the user intent in mind when you’re creating content for a website.

As an example, if you want your keywords “best running shoes” to rank, then you have to understand that here the user intent is commercial instead of transactional. The user here is still uncertain about which shoe brand to select.

There is no aspect in optimizing your Shoes landing page with particular keywords. Google realizes what users need when the search demands “best running shoes.” While looking for choices, they are searching for blog post or videotape that shows the best running shoes, not eCommerce pages or product pages.

2- Write a Convincing Title Tag & Meta Description

Your page Meta description and title are 2 important meta-tags on the page.

Title tags are scrollable headlines that come along in search results & are highly critical from an SEO viewpoint.

Search tools like Google generally show a title’s first 50 to 60 characters. Google will only show the full title to the page so long as you maintain the title tag under sixty characters.

For writing a good title, you should include the target keywords. You must avoid using replica title tags as well as prevent keyword stuffing. Your title must be briefly descriptive, and your title must match the user intent.

The 2nd most important tag on a webpage is the Meta description, which is generally placed below the title. Meta descriptions directly don’t influence search rankings; instead, they impact advertiser rates.

Google typically shortens Meta descriptions between 155 to 160 characters. While writing a Meta description, you must use your target keywords, match user intent, and provide a precise summary. Make sure to write a unique Meta description.

3-Optimize Images

Images play a prominent role in upgrading the user experience of browsers on the site. There is a lot of chance that you spend plenty of time choosing the perfect images to enhance the product pages, blog posts, and many other crucial pages on the site.

To optimize images, you should first select the perfect file format. There are three formats to choose from JPEG, PNG, and WebP.

After selecting the best file format, the next thing is to compress your image to a perfect size. The larger the image size, the longer it will take to load the web page; that’s why it is important to compress the images prior to uploading them.

The addition of alt text is still an essential step. Inserting alt text to your images can boost web accessibility & helps searchers better understand the image on the site.

4-Optimizing Page Speed

In case your site is taking a lot of time to load, then you’re going to have many frustrated users, which will drop your rank on the webpage.

There are several tools that are free that can help check the speed of the page. Along with image compression, there are a lot of other ways to help load page faster. Enabling your browser caching can also improve page speed.

To help the page load faster, you can delete unwanted plugins, decrease the response time of the server, bring down the number of redirects, and minimize JavaScript & CSS files.

5- Improving User Experience on Website

Google always keeps a close look at how users are behaving with the content. Therefore, user experience is a vital factor in upgrading search rankings.

In upgrading the user experience of browsers on your site, page speed plays a crucial role.

To ensure that users have a nice experience while visiting your site, then you need to follow a few crucial steps. These crucial steps include using a proper subheading, creating content that is visually appealing, using space between paragraphs, and prevent using invasive popups.

6- Including Keywords in URL

URL structure is a frequently overlooked feature of SEO. A good URL edifice provides users & search engines a notion of what the address page is entirely about.

Keeping that idea in mind, you should always create a pretty structured URL. First of all, you need to use small URLs to outstrip lengthy URLs in SERPs. To improve your ranking chances in the search result, you need to use URLs that are keyword-rich. However, to turn your URL look succinct & clean, then avoids using needless stop words.

7-Concentrate on getting better Authoritative Backlinks

Despite a lot of changes to the search algorithm & ranking system of Google, yet they still consider backlinks as a crucial ranking signal.

In case your webpage has a lot of backlinks, then it boosts your higher ranking chances of in search results. That’s why it’s important to focus on creating backlinks for your SEO website.

Always be careful because not every backlink is generated equal. There are some backlinks that can improve your ranking, while other backlinks can obstruct your ranking. Therefore, you should always prioritize reliable backlinks over other backlinks.

8-Publicize Long-Form Content

The truth here is, long-form content always has better ranks on Google. However, this claim is supported by a lot of recent studies.

A pivotal finding in this research proposed that long-form contents, which consist of more than 3000 words, get 4 times more share, 3.5 times more backlinks, & 3 times more traffic than contents of average length, which is between 900 to 1200 words.

Therefore, you should always aim at publishing 1 to 2 long-term & thoroughly researched contents, which include information helpful to browsers. Google forever wants you to concentrate on the user’s needs over SEO, & that’s the perfect way to keep browsers & convert. However, as everyone knows, SEO is also important.


Mentioned above are the top ranking SEO tactics that will help you get more web traffic in 2020. The competition for the desired 1st page on Google is severe, regardless of the position you’re operating in. But for getting more efficient results, you need to try these tactics.

Here at The Technovate, the best SEO Company in Bhubaneswarwe know how hard it can be to get to the first page rank on Google. That’s why we are providing you the best tactics of 2020 to write a perfect article and get Google’s first-page rank. To know more, contact us at 774 999 1940, or you can write to us at [email protected]. 

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